Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Poem for John

Dedicated to John

My brother
His brand new SE Harley Davidson
My 12 year old neice
An inagural ride
On a beautiful day
A dear jumps out
Hits him or he hits it
It doesn't matter

She's ok
He's not
Broken bones, a punctured lung
Brain injury
Even with a helmet
He's alive
The bike is dead
It doesn't matter

An airlift to Vancouver
In and out of ICU
Where am I?
Why does my stomach hurt?
You had your spleen removed
What's a spleen?
He asks every ten minutes
It doesn't matter

One day we're nine at the farm
One day he's now
Next day we're twelve
Then he is back
Each day is better
But slowly
Forward and back
It doesn't matter

My brother
We were Friends
Growing up together
Life took hold
His Life, my life
not always in sync
But he was there
Always there
And he's still there
And that is all that matters

Susan ©2011

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