Friday, November 20, 2009

The New York Narrative - Going Home

After our soujourn with Jane it was time to head for the airport and we stood on the street outside the Morgan Library. My son hailed a van taxi for five and we were soon on our final ride out of the city. None of us talked much; I know I was lost in my own thoughts, reflecting on all of the incredible things we'd done and seen.

I couldn't help but smile with recognition as we crossed over one of the bridges and took a last look at the skyline; Paris is the city I will always love the most but the Big Apple with its charming vibrancy has clearly nudged its way up into London's second spot. One thing is for certain, New York hasn't seen the last of us.

Salynne ©2009

1 comment:

  1. Bon voyage NYC!! I enjoyed "experiencing" NYC thru your eyes and hope the next time that I will be able to join you and experience it firsthand. Thanks for sharing NYC with us..your readers.
