Saturday, August 29, 2009

*Some Names Have Been Changed - The Phone Call

Salynne was wiping a thin film of drywall dust off of her kitchen cupboards.
"Infernal crap" she said under her breath.

The fine powder had been settling every day since the mud & tape workmen had sanded the walls in the basement and she had dutifully wiped down most surfaces when it became noticeable. Salynne, her husband David and daughter Eliza had been feverishly working on their home trying to get it ready for sale. David had applied for a transfer to Kamloops but there had been political posturing going on between the company and the union so the decision had been delayed. It had been over a month since anyone had returned David's calls and the entire family had come to the conclusion that perhaps the time wasn't right for the move after all.

The phone rang and Salynne reached to pick up the handset. "Hello".

"Hi Hon," said David. "The union rep called me a few minutes ago and they are still considering our case. They understand that we have a difficult situation and that my parents both have health conditions. The issue is the original Doctor's letter; it wasn't strong enough and therefore we have to get my Dad into another specialist and the letter has to be specific in diagnosis along with a timeline for his condition."

"It's too bad its taken such a long time for us to know that. It often takes months to get into see a specialist."

"Well, I think there are ways to work around that so I'll call my parents & see what we can do. The best part is that both the company and union are sympathetic to our case, they just need further documentation."

"So our case is not dead." Salynne sighed, "It's not dead then. So we go forward."

"Yup. It looks like Eliza will be starting school here unless I can work some kind of a miracle and get my Dad an appointment & the letter to the company next week. Still we may not be able to do something overnight-it might take months."

"I'd like to think that if this is supposed to work out it will happen quickly; we have to consider that this is the best time of the year to sell the house so the sooner we can get something in writing the better. I'll talk to Eliza, you call your parents and I guess we'll see where things go from here."

They said their goodbyes and Salynne sat down on one of the kitchen breakfast bar stools. She put her head into her hands and massaged her scalp. "At last", she said out loud and then continued in her thoughts, "something is happening, something will happen." She knew she would sleep better that night.

"Eliza, are you in your room?", Salynne yelled. "I need to talk to you."

She opened the laptop that sat on the counter. As soon as she'd told her daughter what was going on, she decided, she would leave the dust to its own devices and write a blog to let all of her friends know what was happening. It was rather bad timing as she had just posted to her blog before she started the housework and she really didn't want to publish a second post. Thankfully, the blog site allowed her to schedule her postings.

"Hmmm....Saturday, August 29th. 8:33 am. That sounds like as good a time as any. At least I know what I'll be posting tomorrow." Salynne looked up from the screen and smiled as Eliza came down the stairs.

Salynne ©2009

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update as I was beginning to wonder what the latest was with your situation as September is only days away...
