Monday, May 4, 2009

Bloggers Block

It's day four of my new blogging experience and I'm challenged; I'm suffering from some sort of Bloggers block. Questions are running around through my head: Why am I doing this? What will I get out of this anyway? Can I really do this? A lot of it stems from insecurities and it's the voice of a critic from my childhood that is nagging, Why would anyone want to read what you've written?

I guess mine are the fears that writers have experienced for hundreds of years but judging by the number of books and number of blogs on the internet, many thousands have gone before me. One needs to push the insecurities aside, push forward & put your work out there for all to see. The real question should be, am I writing for myself or writing for others? I believe that a person must write for their own benefit and be content in themselves and their craft. If consequentally other people enjoy it, then that is just an additional blessing.

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