Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Wedding

OK..so I will not have written for 365 consecutive days. I did not write on Saturday, Sunday or yesterday. I've had plenty to write about however and have been writing "in my head"--its what I do when there is no way that I'm going to get to the computer or sit down with a pen in hand. Sometimes I compose prose but writing in my head often consists of quick notes or poetry like haiku.

My weekend was spent on wedding activities while battling a flu (its a good thing a friend intoduced me to Advil Cold & Sinus or I would have just curled up into a fetal positon & done nothing); we decorated the absoluting gorgeous Burnaby Rowing Club Pavillion, watched the stunning bride walk down the aisle to her albeit nervous but happy groom, had dinner at Horizon's on Burnaby Mountain & then danced the night away watching the sun set through the wall of windows overlooking the lake. It was both breathtaking and inspiring. I was inspired.

Haiku-The Wedding

Walking down the aisle
Graceful satin, pearls and lace
Tears glisten and shine

He waits straight and tall
Eyes meet with joy and wonder
Hearts open to love

Standing before God
Promises to each other
Vows said from the heart

Commitment made true
Troth bonded, gold rings entwined
Two become one flesh

Dancing at sunset
Twilight deepens, stars twinkle
In celebration

Walking together
Step by step Husband and Wife
A new life begun

Salynne Wilde ©2009


  1. I can't believe he's married! And yeah that Advil Cold & Sinus really works...I was introduced to that by my coworker....

  2. I remember crazy, hectic, frenetic, and harried........;o) And I am only talking about me......though the venue was beyond beautiful...can't wait to see pictures.
