Friday, May 8, 2009

My Intentions

I've never submitted any of my writing for publishing or entered any writing competitions, etc. My book was published because it met a specific need. Part of the promise to myself to write for the next year entails getting my work out there. The Burnaby Writers Society is hosting a competition with a deadline of May 31 & it is my intention to participate.

From the site:
"Things Lost/Things Found-This theme can be interpreted in any way you like -- things (or people) lost, things (or people) found, things lost and then found -- or any other association that may occur to you. Work can be in any form or genre as long as it will fit on one side of a standard 8 1/2" x 11” sheet of paper with standard margins."

This does not seem overwhelming and it looks like a good place to start. My thoughts:
Lost-the TV show, Love Lost, Lost your mind, Alzheimers, mental illness, little girl lost, lost and wandering on the battlefield of alzheimers (remember that from my Wednesday's writing group?), lost a contest or game show, solitary, alone, absent, invisible, misplaced, misspent, wasted, gone, lost at sea, doomed, treasure.

Found-what was lost is found, no longer alone, found in amongst my dreams, calling out, reaching out, lost & found, treasure chest, create, start.
For now the creative process is just beginning with me. Since the next week is going to be extremly busy with my son's wedding I may not have the time to sit down and write more than my blog but I know that ideas will swirl around in a big soup. At some point the soup will begin to form a substance & that will be the time when I'll need to get it on paper.
With the deadline submission on/before May 31 I've still got time to come up with at least one idea or maybe even two. What come to your mind when you think of Things Lost/Things Found?

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